Elmhurst Dyslexia Services uses an individualized educational, structured, and systematic multisensory approach for the remediation of dyslexia and language-based learning differences.
Academic Language Therapy instruction is multisensory (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), systematic (logical order), cumulative (builds on previous learning) and explicit (direct) approach for remediation of written language skills. In 2000, the National Reading Panel made it clear that the best approach to reading instruction include five components: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and reading comprehension. Each academic language therapy session includes these five components in addition to spelling and handwriting.
Pre-Flight is an introduction for young students to Take Flight, and is appropriate for children in grades preschool through 1st grade who have difficulty distinguishing sounds (phonemic awareness), limited vocabulary or background knowledge, and who fail to employ strategies to reflect on the meaning of text. Since it only addresses two of the five components of effective reading instruction, Pre-Flight is not appropriate for children already identified with Dyslexia.
Study and Organizational Skills Building
Many children with learning differences have challenges keeping themselves organized in a school setting. This may include keeping track of assignments, books, or other materials, note-taking skills and planning for tests and projects. We help students become better learners by identifying their learning style, teaching time-management, improving organization, and building effective study habits. We help your child become and independent learner to be successful in school.
Academic Language Therapy for the remediation of Dyslexia and other language-based learning differences.